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Praise for the Free To Be Me on-line course for those experiencing Anxiety and Sensitivity.


Jane, I have had what I call crippling anxiety all my life. I cant go to group events without a panic attack, if my boss wants to talk to me, my heart races and I start shaking, if my wife is upset with me I feel too scared to talk to her and kind of hide from her. I could go on and on and on with the stories but I guess you get it. I have only completed the first 2 modules of the anxiety course and write now than wait to the end of the course to say thank you. Nothing has helped me like this course has. My anxiety is disappearing. I understand now what I have been doing that has made it worse and I know now how to managing situations better so I don't have a panic attack. In less than two weeks you have turned my life completely around. I can even see a day coming when i can say i don't have anxiety at all in my life. Maybe after doing all the 8 modules. But if nothing more happens than what has in the 2 weeks gone, I am thankful to you and your course. Please share this to anyone who has anxiety as they may be scared to do this course. The thought of it may give them more i being funny?  But they should do it as it really helps and straight away. I'll share more with you after I finish the course, Cheers Jane, you are the best at this stuff. Paul



I have only completed module one in the anxiety course and have found a huge improvement already (GRINNING FROM EAR TO EAR!) in my anxiety levels since starting the program. When you ask us to think about the negative chatter and catch ourselves, focusing on breathing, and affirmations, MY GOSH… it seems so little, but it has already made such a massive difference to me. I didn’t even realise how much my “chatter” was impacting my nervous system. (ouch)


The “17 seconds” fact also surprised me. It’s such a short time frame, and it makes a big difference. Way bigger than the 17 seconds it takes to pause!  The process is extremely good for me… so thank you.  I’m learning so much and I already feel like my head is so much clearer it’s almost ridiculous!  And this is after only module 1 xxx



The Free to be Me course has changed my life in way's I never believed possible. I ummd and ahhrd about doing this course. Could I afford it, could I make the time and would it work. Well thanks to your payment plan, I could afford it. Thanks to the flexibility in doing the course, I had the time. And thanks to the course content, it worked. Jane, I want to tell you that I now am able to 'speak my truth' as you would say without being scared. My relationship with my husband is the best it has ever been and my boundaries with my family have me now enjoying spending time with them. I also loved the coaching sessions I had with you and i hope you don't mind how may questions I had? You answered each one well and gave me really good advice and direction to tackle the situations. I really hope you get lots more people booking into the course as we need more sensitive people in the world who are good role models to help others. Hugs Sharon

Free To Be Me is an 8 module on-line course helping people to reduce their anxiety and embrace their sensitivity.


Learn the EXACT Steps So You Can Heavily Reduce and Manage Anxiety and Embrace The Gifts Of Sensitivity

Using the strategies outlined in this 8 module on-line program, you will be able to apply them directly into your life and get instant, excellent results managing and embracing your anxiety and sensitivity.

85% of course participants experience huge reduction in anxiety after completing only module 1. Proven to be Fast and Effective


What this course will teach you!

How to apply the strategies in any area of your Life, Relationships, Career, Social, Family. It is a comprehensive and advanced program suitable for both those new to learning about anxiety and sensitivity and those advanced.

The 5 most important tips

You have an 85% chance of your anxiety being heavily reduced after completing only module 1. The remaining 7 modules help you to understand, manage, embrace and celebrate the challenges and gifts of being a Sensitive Person

How to identify and heal triggers, self sabotaging behaviour, release fears and anxiety and replace with embracing peace and happiness

The tools to stop taking things so personally and having your feelings hurt. Shutting down the negative voice in the head while nurturing self acceptance and gaining self-love

How to forgive and heal the past and create rich, deep relationships without fear of being hurt or anxious. How to build resilience. Tools to change from having a fear of conflict with either out of control rage or withdrawal to rapport building techniques

How to create and obtain the life you desire. Understanding the energy game, manifesting and embracing the gifts of sensitivity and moving towards your Zone of Genius living your true purpose.



And much more. Contact me to have a chat to see if this course will suit you and give you life changing benefits.




* 8 modules including MP3/MP4 recordings
* downloadable printable worksheets emailed direct to you
* Do the course at your own pace.
* Experience change in all areas of your life
* Lifetime access to all the course information and modules
* Access to book in for a private support coaching session with Jane (addition costs apply and subject to availability)
* Get started immediately. Complete the form below and the modules will be emailed immediately to your nominated email address

Most people are very busy and possibly time poor. This course is designed to support this situation allowing you to move through it at your own pace. A big time commitment is not necessary, rather a commitment to around 30 minutes to 1 hour each week to listen to the modules. Most of the homework is based around spending time observing yourself from a different perspective as you go about your daily life and then documenting your observations. This course is designed for the thinking person and since everyone has time to think, then you have the time to do this course.

My promise:
How about a money back guarantee if you find your anxiety doesn't reduce? I am that confident that this course will achieve a considerable lowering of your anxiety that I am prepared to back this course with a 100% money back guarantee.  So if you have completed the 8 modules and found no improvement, then contact me to receive your money back.8 modules including MP3/MP4 recordings
downloadable printable work sheets
Lifetime access


Total course cost $144 AU 

Not cashed up? Easy, we have payment plans! Send us an email with a proposed payment plan and we will do our best to say yes.

Please note, the on-line support webinars mentioned in the introduction video are currently not available.  Should you require support during the completion of the course, you can book in a private one on one session with Jane for an additional fee. Coaching details are here

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